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What do you get when the podcast guest is another podcast host? No, not a power struggle for talking time, just double the smooth-talking content!
Chip Klose is the owner of Chip Klose Creative and works with brands to promote their unique value proposition to the right people as a restaurant consultant. He made a name for himself in operations and went on to learn the in’s and out’s of marketing. He now mixes both in his work with restaurants and on his podcast, the Restaurant Strategy podcast (contact info below).
On this episode of Give an Ovation, he and Ovation CEO Zack Oates put restaurant marketing in simple terms, and Chip shares some great success stories. Here’s a quick rundown of some of the main points:
1. Creativity Invites You To Release The Status Quo
When we think of creativity, we may typically picture something like a starving artist about to turn an empty canvas into a masterpiece, and…it sounds really hard. But Chip pointed out that creativity as a restaurateur simply means rethinking the way you do things.
2. What’s The Product, Who’s It For, and How Can You Reach Them?
There’s a lot to say about marketing, but to Chip, these are the three questions you can spend most of your time on.
3. Nobody Is You-er Than You
When asked how restaurants can break through the noise, Chip said that the answer is to lean into what makes you unique. There are stories that only you can tell. So you won’t breakthrough by doing what everyone else is doing. You have to hone into you.
All tactical decisions depend on answering the fundamental questions about your business. Who is your audience, who are you as a brand, who is your competition, and how can you differentiate yourself?
5. Take Time To Step Back
Chip recommends pausing what you’re doing and working through some of the questions and frameworks above. Restaurant’s marketing tactics will perform much better if they are deliberately planned based on an overall strategy.
Thanks for reading! Make sure to check out the whole podcast, as well as other interviews with restaurant/business gurus by checking out “Give an Ovation” on, or your favorite place to listen to podcasts.
For more from Chip, you can visit or find the Restaurant Strategy podcast wherever you like to listen.