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As one of the founders and owners of one of the most successful brands in the country, one of the “Top CEOs To Follow”, and one of the nicest guys around, Wing Lam had some incredible insights to share about how you can build your brand and help it survive the corona virus.
You should really listen to the whole thing, but here’s some brief takeaways:
1. Shift, Connect, Execute
Wing has carried Wahoo’s through the pandemic by changing his strategy, reaching out to others for ideas and collaboration, and working quickly. As he said, “My job first and foremost is to pivot and to stop doing events and promotions and all that, and try and find a way to keep my employees working.”
2. Make Your Brand Fun
It’s easier to work when it feels fun. You can either get in shape by going to a gym or by surfing, and one is much more enjoyable. You can probably assume which.
3. Be Authentic
To illustrate this point, Wing explained that he has been busy at hospitals throughout the pandemic delivering food to front line workers. When he does, he and his team will take pictures outside the building to document the experience and publish it on social media. But he pointed out that if he wasn’t spending all day at the hospital, he wouldn’t post anything. “People see right through you.”
4. Make It About Your Team & Community
People will love working for you when you make it clear that it’s not just about your company surviving, but that you are concerned about them and their families as well.
5. Prepare For The Long Haul
COVID complications could be lasting for…awhile. Wing recommends renegotiating with landlords and doing all you can to survive through winter and next spring.
6. Do Your Part
Even if you don’t think COVID-19 is a big deal, others do. Wash your hands, wear a mask.
Thanks for reading! Make sure to check out the whole podcast, as well as other interviews with restaurant/business gurus by checking out “Give an Ovation” on YouTube,, or your favorite place to listen to podcasts.
And don’t forget to follow Wing on social media (@winglam on everything, other than instagram), visit, and consider donating to the California Love Drop for more from Wing.